
Marketing Karl Schmieder Marketing Karl Schmieder

What Makes A Great Brand

In my last post, I wrote about brands and brand building. This week, THE ECONOMIST ran a story on brand building titled “It Has Never Been Easier to Launch a New Brand.” The article explains why you’re seeing so many new brands -- Harry’s, Allbirds, Casper, among them.

Why is it easier to launch a new brand?

Because it’s never been easier to identify, target, build, and connect with an audience. The thing that differentiates these new brands from the old incumbents is their story.

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Marketing Guest User Marketing Guest User

Are You Building a Brand?

In 2019, we helped redesign and launch two new brands.

Building those brands was a special treat for us since it required using the following skills: research, assembling a team of designers, packaging specialists, and specialty printers. It also required leadership skills.

Both brands are on the market and are doing well. Ask us about them.

If you are building a brand, you may need to start from the beginning.

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Marketing Karl Schmieder Marketing Karl Schmieder

The Biostrategy Canvas

Biostrategy confers the ability to incorporate biology or biotechnology into a business, to survive and thrive under rapidly changing conditions. Biostrategy begins as an idea, is expressed in words, then gets translated into actions.

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