
Marketing Karl Schmieder Marketing Karl Schmieder

When You Hear CRISPR, Do You Think DADA? Part 2

The artists at the Cabaret Voltaire supported and encouraged each other. Dada spread around the world and its influence is still felt today.

The Dadaists worked in visual, literary and sound media. They painted, wrote, photographed, performed. They also made chance encounters (meetings, conversations, collaborations) a part of their creativity.

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Marketing Karl Schmieder Marketing Karl Schmieder

When You Hear CRISPR, Do You Think DADA?

In 1916, a group of exiled European artists gathered in Zurich and started an art movement that would change the world.

Unhappy with the violence and the horror of the first World War, the artists rejected logic, reason, and modern capitalism.

Birthed at the Cabaret Voltaire, the movement was called Dada.

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Events Karl Schmieder Events Karl Schmieder

Right Now, This Very Minute Is When to Prepare for SynBioBeta 2019, Or Any Event You're Attending

Are you attending SynBioBeta for the first time?


SynBioBeta is one of the most exciting events of the year bringing together the founders, investors, thinkers and people who are changing the world with synthetic biology. The conference is one of the only places where you can see the future of biology by being around the people who are already creating and living it.

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Marketing Karl Schmieder Marketing Karl Schmieder

Don't Be Overwhelmed, Sell Something

Let me tell you a story:

A few weeks ago, a post-Series A biotech company called and said, “We need a public relations agency.”

My stock answer is, “We’re not a PR agency. We help clients grow. Public relations is just one of many growth tactics. Let’s figure out if that's what you really need.”

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